How to Start Eating Healthy

this is Rajni
5 min readNov 29, 2021

That is all it takes to stay healthy

In this era, who does not need good health? Everybody wants good health, good looks, a fit body and lots of energy. Where we emphasize exercise regularly, there we also know that our food also plays a huge role to get us to our goal. We can’t say that we have exercised so we can eat everything we want. Our body doesn’t work like that.

We all know that right? But our biggest confusion is, how to stop ourselves from eating junk and all that stuff which is not good? These days where many new, attractive things are coming in the market, where every street is filled with the nice smell of our favorite food, how can we restrain ourselves only to that healthy food?

Well! It is possible. At the end of 2019, there was a girl who was gaining so much weight due to which she was sleepy all day, she was losing her stamina, where she could go for long tracks, there she was founding herself not walking for 15minutes with a good speed. And that girl is me.

So my new year resolution was to become fit. And to be so my first step was to eat healthy because I knew that it was the main reason for my destroyed health. Today I am celebrating my 2 years of eating healthy. I am sharing with you a few tips. By using them you can accomplish your goal of eating healthy.

  1. Find a strong reason: It may sound weird but it is true. In my case, it was about my health as I mentioned earlier. I was feeling guilty whenever I was eating something wrong knowing that the consequences will be not good. You should also write down the reason behind this decision to make yourself clear. It will mentally prepare you for a good start.

2. Make very short-term goals in the beginning: When I began, I gave myself time to get comfortable with it. For example: If I ate junk thrice a day, I told myself that today I am going to eat it twice. I did it for a week and then when I got comfortable with it, I gave myself another short-term goal. Now I am going to eat junk once a day, now I will have only two cheat days in a week, now I will have only one cheat day in a week, and so on.

You can also try this short-term method for a good start. Short goals give us time to get comfortable with new changes. Also, it does not make us feel stressed that we are not living our life to the fullest.

3. Remove what you don’t want to have: When we have decided that today we are going to eat this or we are not going to eat wrong things then make sure that you are not keeping all these things around you. Control yourself in the shop. Avoid buying that stuff which you don’t want to have.

Surround yourself with good fruits, snacks, juices, etc. What we see around us that is what we eat and we crave less for these things that we don’t see. In other words, replace the wrong things with the right things.

4. First “no” is most important: It was just 12 days of mine eating healthy and there was an occasion in our house. There were lots of sweets in the kitchen. Mum was serving the dinner and in one bowl she served these sweets to us. I had two minds that day: one was, come on Rajni! It’s the day of celebration today. You can have it. The second was, Rajni, you have done these kinds of mistakes in the past as well. If you eat it today, you will be not able to stop yourself further. It is better to not have a single bite. Say “no”. Gathering so much courage, I said, “I don’t want to have it.” In my opinion that was the toughest but the best decision I had made that day. I was feeling so bad but later I was feeling proud of myself.

5. Work for that proud feeling: Whenever you feel like eating something for which you will regret later, always remind yourself that no matter how bad I may feel rejecting this thing at the moment but sometime later I will be very happy. Feel that happiness earlier and here you go. You have made the right decision.

6. Always congratulate yourself: At the end of the day see your whole day again and congratulate yourself that you have done it. By doing so you will be encouraging yourself for further progress.

7. Correct your mistake: When we eat the wrong thing inflow, tell yourself that it’s fine, I’ll not repeat it. But don’t do it like, Ok! I have already spoiled my day let’s eat more and spoil it completely. Avoid this thing.

8. Decide some days for these things as well: We can’t leave these things for good. We need to decide some days when we can enjoy that food as well. In beginning, I used to have one cheat meal in a month but now I do it once a week. This will help us to not get frustrated with our routine and we will be able to follow it easily. But remember never overdo it.

In the end, I would just like to add whenever you will feel like not following this discipline anymore, always remind yourself that why you had started. Tell yourself that this feeling of leaving the routine is temporary. But if you keep following it, the consequences will always be heart-pleasing.

I hope you enjoyed the article and you are all set to start a new journey.

Thank you:)



this is Rajni

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