When We Are in Doldrums
In our day to day life, there are many things which happen to us.I categorise these happenings into 3 types:
Things which do not matter to us and we don’t remember them at the end of the day
Things which make us happy and give us motivation
Things which happen negatively and affect us whether lightly moderately or highly.
Well, first two things are usually not taken into the consideration by us . But, when it comes to the things which didn’t happen in the way we wanted or they spoiled our day then we really get upset and we find ourselves unable to ignore them.
What are These Things Which Causes us Being Low in Spirits
It differs from person to person ,their priorities and sometimes on their expectations either from others or even from theirselves. For example:
A person who decides to be on a good diet for fitness eat wrong due to his cravings can make him less confident about himself.
When one does not get the deserved credit for his work he expected.
When you think that you got reprimanded for a thing you never did
When you expected from yourself to get good results in exams or in business or in any field of life but after giving your best you remained low .
There are so many things which seems small from others point of view but are of great importance from our view and affects us sometimes shortly , sometimes for days and sometimes for life.
How Our Daily Life Get Affected With These Small Incidents

We are humans and we get the ability to move on after bad experience with practice . It also depends on the personality of a person . Some of us are really expert to tackle these kinds of situations and get back to their form but some of us are not like that. Here are some points that how we get affected:
Distraction from our further work of the day
Feeling under weather or feeling sleepy
Sometimes we decide to not pursue our next target
We become cranky and worsen our relations evens with close ones
We are not ready to listen or understand others point of view etc.
So these kind of things we experience which obviously not good and we should regularly learn that how we can get rid of all these situations. It is just not good for our health but it is a skill that can help us for long terms in our future.
How to Get Rid of The Situations Like That
As it is not an expert advise that I can give you but it is just my perspective that how one can get rid of these situations . So the simple tips that one should practice are:
We should never forget that human is the effigy of errors and anyone can be mistaken . It is not always that the person in front of us is wrong, sometimes, we can also be wrong and we should never hesitate to accept that and apologise for that immediately .

Expectations kill , means when we expect something we enlighten a hope within us and when these expectations break , we break ourselves ,so, never expect from others or from yourselves just analyse that you did your best or not.
Never drag yourself back from starting again with fresh ideas . Instead of having a chip on our shoulder we should quickly think about our next step and execute it . We should try to not waste our time thinking about our past because time is precious.
Lastly, we should inculcate this thing in our mind that life is long and these things are the small fragments of this life . If we want to do something good with our life then we have to learn from our past but we’ll never have to make these incidents burden on our future.